The tricky part of the worldpay integration is about the redirecting. There is no way for you to specify where to redirect the user to a destinate page when the payment is completed.
Instead worldpay use the concept of proxy calling, which will call you page indirectly, in fact it is the Payment Response URL that you specify in installations after you login to worldpay page.
IF you didnt set the checkbox for [Enable the Shopper Response], user will not see the redirect.
In conclusion, the trick is to use point the Payment URL to PAGE A, then in PAGE A you include
< meta http-equiv=' refresh ' content=" 0 ; url = http://YOUR FINAL URL" / >
You will show you thank you message in your final URL.
Last point is to make sure you captured the transaction information that pass to you from worldpay in the Payment Response URL page.
Refer to this article